I went into the school yesterday to pick up Hunter and Ella. On Tuesdays Ella is dismissed from music and her gen ed teacher comes to pick up the kids and always stops to tell me how Ella's day went. She told me that Cayce (a little girl in Ella's class) brought Ella a necklace and a picture and how sweet it was when she gave it to Ella. The bell rang and out came Ella, she ran up to me and excitedly showed me her necklace. It's a Best Friend necklace, the kind where one person has the "Best" half and the other has the "Friends" half. It was all I could do to not break down and cry right there at the front door of the school. Seriously melt my heart!!! I'm not sure how to say what this represents to me. I'm sure a lot of people will think it's silly that I am so excited about a necklace. But it's not just about the necklace. It's about my child having a real connection with another child. It's about another little girl thinking about my Ella outside of the classroom. It's about another parent allowing her child to have a friendship with a little girl with Down syndrome. It's about the pure love and excitement that shows on Ella's face when she wears her necklace and talks about her FRIEND Cayce!!
I posted this picture of Ella wearing her necklace and holding her picture yesterday on Facebook. The mom of the other little girl found me through a mutual friend. She sent me a private message....
I just wanted you to know what a blessing it has been to watch this little friendship Cayce ADORES Ella .
To which I wrote her back expressing my feelings, and she responded with...
I am so thankful for Ella ! Cayce has really taken to her and she tells her sister all about her .
Oh and her gen ed teacher left this comment...
Their interaction the other morning will definitely be one of the highlights of my teaching career! I love both those girls and have no doubt this is just the beginning of a lifetime of sincere and quality friendships for Ella.
I am one happy mama.