Ella brought home another one of her little books from school yesterday. She pulled it out of her backpack and asked me to record her reading : ) I LOVE that she wants to show off her reading! Yay Ella!!
Oh, my, sweet voice is RIGHT!! LOVE this!! Way to go, Ella! She's a GREAT reader! Does she make you show her the video over and over again? Sammi makes me take videos of her in the mornings on the walk to school, then spends the rest of the walk watching them. At least it makes her walk a little faster...LOL
I am a mother to two incredible children. Hunter is 8 years old and Ella Grace is 6 years old. My children are my life, my true joy. My life was turned upside down when my daughter was born and surprised us all by having Down syndrome. Since her birth I have come from sorrow and a sense of loss to greater happiness than I ever imagined and I owe it all to The Amazing Ella Grace! Contact me anytime by email fbkspeach@yahoo.com
My face may be different,but my feelings the same.I laugh and I cryand take pride in my gains.I was sent here among you to teach and to loveas God in the heavenslooks down from above.To Him I'm no different,His love knows no bounds;It's those here among you, in cities and townsthat judge me by standardsthat man has imparted,but this family I've choosenwill help me get started.For I'm one of the children,so special so few,that came here to learnthe same lessons as you.That love is acceptance, it must come from the heart;we all have the same purpose,though not the same start.The Lord gave me lifeto live and embrace,and I'll do it as you do,but at my own pace.-Unknown
Oh Ella will you come read a book to me. I love your sweet voice.
Oh, my, sweet voice is RIGHT!! LOVE this!! Way to go, Ella! She's a GREAT reader! Does she make you show her the video over and over again? Sammi makes me take videos of her in the mornings on the walk to school, then spends the rest of the walk watching them. At least it makes her walk a little faster...LOL
Rock starrrrr! Nice work Ella!
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