Last night my baby lost her first tooth. I am depressed. Losing baby teeth is a sure sign that a child is no longer a baby. Sigh. I don't like it. Not one bit. We've known for about a week that she had a wiggly tooth, I noticed that one of her teeth looked crooked and checked it and found it to be quite wiggly. Hunter didn't lose his first tooth until he was 6 (much to his dismay,) and because Ella's teeth came in late I just figured we had a couple of years to go. Ella on the other hand was quite excited by it all! She put her tooth in a little zip lock bag and we told her all about the tooth fairy, she did NOT want the tooth fairy to take her tooth, LOL! When she woke up this morning she was very happy to have 5 dollars and didn't care about her tooth! She has told me about 100 times today about her "lost tooth." So cute! I keep getting teary everytime she talks about it, not sure if it's because she is officially a big girl now or because I know that some MAJOR orthodontic work is in our near future.....

Dude. Those pics with the $5 dollar bill are priceless. When I was a kid, I just got 50 cents. *sigh* Inflation...
That is not possible!! She looks so happy about it. :)
What a big girl! Wow! $5 ,don't tell my kids. ;) Those are such great pics ,she looks so proud.
I know how you feel, Kacey… Most parents feel that way when their child loses a tooth. I think you should be glad 'because they're already growing! You should be proud of yourself that you raised your child properly. Put this photo in a frame… This memory is remarkable!
Mom, don’t be sad about your baby losing her baby teeth and her growing up. That’s part of life and no one can control it. Anyway, if you want to avoid major orthodontic work, better take her of her teeth now and take her to dentist for checkup.
The most amazing picture that you can have is when you capture the moment with the tooth that she lost. It’s a milestone that you should never miss. But then, Bettye’s right. You have to bring your kids to the dentist once in a while to keep track of their oral health.
Kenneth @Avenue Dental Group
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