Wow, I just logged on real quick to my email to see what time my mom gets into the airport tonight (YAY!!!!) and decided to check my blog and see if I had any new comments and here is what I saw.....
Hi Kacey,
After deciding on the name "Ella Grace" for our baby girl...we found out by amnio that she was going to be born with Down Syndrome. The day before our diagnosis, my cousin was googling the name Ella Grace and the first thing that showed up was your blog. She forwarded it to me and I just wanted to tell you what an amazing blessing it was to me. My mind was in complete turmoil as we thought about all of our options and then when I saw your blog and Ella Grace's beautiful face, I just knew that I could never terminate my pregnancy. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I was going through your blog and didn't see anywhere to email you directly. I figured I would leave a comment and hope you would get it and email me back. I would love to pick your brain about what is in store for me and my baby which is due the end of April. - Denise
So as you can imagine I am crying!!! I can not express to you how much this comment means to me!!! It has become my mission in life for that very thing to happen, someone decided to keep their baby with Down syndrome because of Ella. So, THANK YOU Denise's cousin that googled Ella Grace, and THANK YOU Denise for reading my blog. You are going to be so blessed and will be completely amazed and in love with your Ella Grace!!! Please feel free to email me -
Supported Employment: The End of an Era
2 days ago
That is AMAZING!
God is SO good! How perfect that Ella would be the "saving grace" for a new little precious life! We'll be praying for Denise and new baby Ella Grace. Braska says,
"Welcome baby!"
YOU are amazing Kacey Bode. I love you!!!
That is fantastic! God is definately at work here!
Didn't I tell you that you were already speaking up??? That is soooo awesome :)
Awesome! I am in tears now too.
I honestly believe that she thought of naming her daughter Ella Grace for a reason. Googled the name for a reason. Found your blog for a reason, as I don't think that there are "coincidences" in this world... Truly amazing.....
What an amazing story of how God is using your beautiful Ella Grace.
So beautiful. How lucky the world will be to be graced with two Ella Grace's.
You and your daughter quite possibly saved a life.
Talk about one person making a difference.
That is so cool!
I am also in tears...I had just posted a couple of days ago about getting the word out that our kids are wonderful and deserve to be born. I wondered how we could do this and you did it!!
OMG very touching, I'm fighting back tears because I'm in my school's comp lab, but if I were at home, heck I'd be crying. very sweet and amazing.
Amazing! God places people in our paths for a reason. Thankful for Google! :) Welcome new baby! Wonderful news.
I found your blog a couple months ago when I googled Down Syndrome. My baby has been diagnosed with multiple birth defects and they tested for down syndrome. While I was waiting for that test to come back, I found your blog. It comforted me. And I was going to comment from your blog a few days ago where you said you want to reach out to the parents with a baby who has down sydrome, but you don't know how. I was going to tell you that your blog is a great start! My amnio results came back showing my baby does not have down syndrome and how severe her handicaps will be are uncertain. So it's still been a very scarey time for me. But after reading how touched you were to have been contacted by Denise, you might not be freaked out if I wrote you, someone you don't even know. So I wanted you to know that Ella and this blog you created has helped me too. It's helped me come to a place of peace when my world of motherhood felt like it was going to be turned upside down. If you check out my blog it tells more about my baby, who will be born on March 18th. Lots of love to you and your family!
This is so wonderful!!!!
*Welcome new baby*
That made me start crying! What a special connection and beautiful influence Miss Ella Grace is!
Yay!!! Awesome. Mis Ella Grace is certainly an inspiration to us to!
What a blessing! This is wonderful!
I am so thrilled your Ella Grace saved the new Ella Grace. I am looking at the face of our angel and know how much joy she gives us everyday. Embrace the journey. Kera turned 3 this week and blew out her own candles!!! How proud we were. Pictures of Ella look so much like Kera. Kera called our phone company!!!!
That is great!!! A baby who might not have otherwise been....way to go Ella Grace!!!!!
i have goosebumps amazing and wonderful!! you go girl!
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