Up she goes

Notice the flared nostrils,
she is yelling at me,
making sure I am watching!

I'm at the top!

Stop saying my
name and let me

Down she goes

It ain't pretty but it's fun!

Uh-oh, another one
with blue light fever : )

Look, no hands

I got mommy's cell phone

Yep she actually somehow
called our pastor from Texas.
I can't figure out the phone
but my 17 month old can.
Yesterday I was watching Ella play and saw her grab a toy, a plastic magnetic stick, and hold it to her babies mouth and pretend she was feeding it. I was just so proud, pretend play is a big thing. Such a smart girl!! Anyhow, today I bought her a baby bottle all of her own!

Now, why would I take a picture of my pop up clothes hamper?

Because something crawled in it.

Yep, while I was putting away laundry my husband said that Ella first threw her baby doll in there, then climbed in. She thought it was hilarious.

She is so beautiful!!!
I have pictures of Emily doing that with her baby doll when she was 2!!! Ella is sooo big!!!!
I loved all those pics! Ella IS getting to be a big girl isn't she?
She's such a little cutie and seems like such a character!
Ella and the doll were so adorable. You make me really look forward to when Logan is 17 months. It looks like she is a lot of fun!
How fun!! She is so stinkin cute! I love her little plaid pants, they are adorable!
Ok- those babydoll pictures melt my heart!
She is just blossoming, Kacey :)
Oh, Miss Ella Grace, you are just precious!!!!
Hi Kacey,
After deciding on the name "Ella Grace" for our baby girl...we found out by amnio that she was going to be born with Down Syndrome. The day before our diagnosis, my cousin was googling the name Ella Grace and the first thing that showed up was your blog. She forwarded it to me and I just wanted to tell you what an amazing blessing it was to me. My mind was in complete turmoil as we thought about all of our options and then when I saw your blog and Ella Grace's beautiful face, I just knew that I could never terminate my pregnancy. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I was going through your blog and didn't see anywhere to email you directly. I figured I would leave a comment and hope you would get it and email me back. I would love to pick your brain about what is in store for me and my baby which is due the end of April.
oh, wow! I am in awe at the amazing comment above mine. God is using you, Kacey!
She is too cute! And looks like she had a great time at the Bounce House, feeding her baby and oh yes, climbing in the clothes hamper!!! I don't know what it is about clothes hampers/baskets that attract children so!!!
She is absolutely beautiful and she is growing up! Gabi is looking at the pictures with me and she says, "Awwww cute baby!"
How lovely! Ella has the prettiest blue eyes ever! It just looks like she was having so much fun!
So beautiful and SO smart!!!
She is such a pretty little girl!
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