Hunter misses his girlfriend Emily so bad. He still talks about her all the time. These two spent SO much time together. It breaks my heart everytime he talks about her. It has only been 2 months since we left Texas, but to him it was forever ago. My poor broken hearted little guy. Here are some pics of the goodtimes : )
Easter 2007
Childrens Museum Oklahoma City

This is from a post I did back in June...........
A couple of weeks ago we drove past a very large church here in town and Hunter said
"Mom, people get married there."
"Yes, Hunter people probably do get married there."
"I'm going to get married."
with a snicker "Who are you going to marry?"
he replied "my girlfriend."
"Who is your girlfriend?"
"Wimawee is going to wear her pretty church dress. Mom will you buy me a new shirt to get married in?"
"Yes honey when you get married I will buy you a new shirt."
"And shoes?"
"Yes, I will buy you shoes too. How old are you going to be when you get married?"

Swimming at Emily's house.

Being Silly

Ella's B-Day

Even with tons of other kids around
these 2 would play only with

Coloring after school

Air Show Oct 2008

This picture breaks my heart. This
was their last goodbye. We went
out to eat that night, then had to stop
somewhere after, Hunter and I stayed in
the van while Chris ran in and Hunter started
bawling. I asked him what was wrong and he
said, " but I'm just gonna miss Emily."

Jen, Liesl, and me
A few weeks later....