I don't know whats up, just that I have nothing to say these days I suppose. We have been busy, I will use that as my excuse : ) I am patiently (NOT) waiting to hear if I got the job at Ella's school, supposed to hear on Tuesday. Apparently we were supposed to find out last Friday, but they were waiting for my doctor to give me a medical release to work, (which was a nightmare to get. The doctor said that he consulted with another orthopedic doctor and they decided because of the type of fracture I have in my tibia that they would not give me a verbal nor written medical release. After freaking out, I asked if he would write that after the 8th of June he would release me, as this is my next x-rays and will be 6 weeks after the initial injury, he said sure and they faxed it over right away. Whatever.) I will be so pissed if, because it says I can be released on the 8th and the job starts on the 1st, I don't get the job because of my stupid leg.
Chris' dad, Papa, is here visiting right now and the kids have really enjoyed having him around, Hunter and Papa are out playing golf right now. Papa bought Hunter his own little golf bag and putter last night to add to two other clubs he got him on a past visit (real stuff not plastic) it's so cute!! I have really enjoyed having Papa around too, he is an excellent cook and has been fixing our meals!
Ella continues to be doing great. She adds daily to her vocabulary, right now my two favorite words of hers are purple and bubble, which she says both PERFECTLY!!! At school the other day she said "Help me please" while outside trying to climb a hill and then her teacher had yelled for a little guy to stop "Isaiah stop," and Ella yelled "ZAYA" very cute. I still get a bit frustrated though, she often pops off with words or phrases clear as a bell and in appropriate context only for them to never be heard again. It boggles my mind. I know she knows what she wants to say, and knows how but she still just babbles away. It's just so confusing. She has been showing her attitude a lot lately (nothing new there : ) she snaps at me when I tell her something, and will point at me with a dirty look on her face, and recently she has taken to shushing me, she puts her tiny little finger to her lips and blows, it is so hard not to laugh!
I went to the dermatologist this past Thursday to have a scalp biopsy done. I have had severely thinning (for me) hair ever since Ella was born. I realize that I do have a lot of hair, but there is half as much as there used to be, I don't mind the amount I have right now it's just that it is thinning mostly in the front. I have been doing this comb over thing, parting way over on one side, so that not so much scalp is showing. I am not particularly vain about my hair, but its all I got, people have commented on my hair my entire life. I had gone to a dermatologist in Texas and he has said that my loss was from extreme stress, it was about 8 months after Ella's birth, and it would come back. Well, Ella is almost 3 now, the stress I have now will probably not get any lower, maybe when the kids move out, if Ella moves out and even then not because then I would worry even more about her : ) This doc said that my pattern of loss is consistent with the typical female hair loss pattern, I asked as in old people? I am 29 for crying out loud!! Anyhow, he took two biopsies of my scalp which may I add HURT so now I have 3 stitches in my head which I am supposed to keep moist with Vaseline so I look all greasy. In addition I had a thing taken off my arm (not really a mole, something weird though and it always hurt) and that took an additional 3 stitches. So here I am stitched together, on a crutch all with greasy hair fun fun fun!!
OK, enough rambling here are a ton of pics taken in the past few weeks....

Ella and Riley
sitting on the
coffee table
watching Elmo
Tickle tickle
Hunter and Ella
laying on the
coffee table
We really do have furniture to sit on, but the kids prefer the table : )
Hunter's school
had a Mother's
Tea for Mother's
It was so cute, they made little corsages and a little gift for us,
then they performed a few songs.

He sang but would
not do the
He's just too cool!
Our attempt at a
self picture of
Hunter and
b-day party at a
paint your pottery

Hunter and Emily
(the b-day girl)
they are both 5

Ella and Emily

Hunter and Emily's
brother Logan.

We painted Ella's
nails purple. It's
hard to see but she's
showing them off.

Ella dancing on the
table, *sigh*.

Hunter came home
from school and dumped
his hat and lunch box
on the floor.

She kept saying "BYE"
I said are you bubba?
She said "yes."

What happens when
Ella sits on the new
couch. Still very
full of static

Ella's new hat
from Papa