Hunter: "FUNNY FACE!!!"
Well, Happy World Down Syndrome Day anyhow : ) Hunter asked to wear his Buddy Walk shirt "the one with Ella's face on it," to school today after hearing me tell Chris on Sunday that it would be Ds day tomorrow. I asked him if he was sure he wanted to wear that one, he could always just wear the one that says Buddy Walk. (He is very against anything that may be girly or that he could possibly get made fun of in, and I thought perhaps wearing a picture of a girl on your shirt could lead to that.) Hunter says "well all of my friends think that my sister is really cute," I said okay...but if anyone asks you why you are wearing it you can tell them that it's World Down Syndrome Day and that your sister has Down syndrome. He says "Uh, yeah. They all know that already." Oh...didn't realize it was a topic of conversation amongst 1st graders : ) I sure love my boy!!!
Today I am grateful for that little extra something in my life!!!
That story is so sweet!!!! I love the photos too!!!!!
Haha - I had the same conversation trying to take a picture of my kiddos yesterday!
What an awesome big brother! Ella is so lucky to have such a proud big bro in her life! His patience, understanding, love, and acceptance are so beyond his years! You definitely have two beautiful little ones!
I feel the same way when it comes to getting cute pictures! That was hilarious. I also love to hear about how tolerant and kind hearted kids are towards special needs kids (it is definitely something I worry about, even though we are years away from elementary school). Thanks for the post.
Cute. All of this is cute. The hilarious series of photos. Ella's shirt. Hunter's shirt. The story of him wanting to wear it to school. And I particularly like the part when you give great mom advice for him on how to handle a potential situation if someone asks about his shirt. His response was kind of like, "duh, mom. i've already got it covered!" :)
I have said it before, but Hunter is such an awesome big brother!!! If anyone ever questions the impact that the extra chromosome has on siblings, he will show them. Love the pics - too funny!!! I have a hard time gettin Samantha to look at the camera, too - if I *ask,* forget about it. LOL
Sweet, thanks for the smile. I needed it today :)
I know it!!! This is what I go through too...I love it when people say "You always get such great shots!" I respond with...You didn't see the million other crappy ones!
So cute!!
Ok those photos are darling and made me laugh!!! What a darling kids, and you can tell how much he loves his sister.
PS I know I am sorta random, but I found you through elastamom and my sister. Hope you don't mind I follow your blog.
LOL!!! Sounds like what I go through!! And believe it or not, my NINE year old is the WORST!!! Frank says he's going to put a spongebob sticker on my camera so it will give the kids something to look at! hahaha
LOL! The open-eyed one is hilarious =)
How are Ella's eyes after her surgery?
Awww! I love that little Hunter! He is proud of his little sister and he should be - she's mighty cute!
WOW, this looks familiar! LOL
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