Here are Hunter (first day of Kindergarten and looking so little himself) and Ella first day of preschool September 8th, 2009
And today Ella's last day of preschool. Hunter still has another week of 2nd grade!

So stinking cute!!!

1st day of school waiting to eat breakfast

Today signing in at school. (The kids have to write their names everyday to "sign" in."
So excited to start school

So excited to be shaking her instrument during the freeze song
Walking into the school for the first day.

Getting her certificate of completion of preschool!!!!
I feel so fortunate that Ella was able to be in an intergrated setting for all 3 years of preschool. She started school not talking much beyond "mama' "dadda" "bubba" "nana" and now she talks non-stop. She started as just a baby and now she is a big 5 year old. She learned SO much from her "typical" peers!!!!!! We had some great teachers and therapists and will really miss them all!!!!!