This morning.
Ella had her 2nd eye surgery today. Her eyes began crossing again, though not as bad as the first time, and her doctor decided it was time to fix them again. This time she just cut the outside corner of her right eye and tightened the muscle....apparently it fixes both eyes. While she was in there the doctor decided to probe her tear ducts in both eyes as Ella had been having problems with watering eyes. The surgery went well, the doctor was happy with the outcome and said that her tear ducts were really blocked so was glad she did it. Ella was a champ. Besides trying to claw her eyes out while waking up from anesthisia she has been doing pretty good! Here she is relaxing at home.
Funny story...The anesthesiologist, a good looking guy, tried to get Ella to put her hat on before surgery to cover her hair even gave her a flowery one and Ella would have nothing to do with it. He told her how much he liked her hat and said he would trade her. She said ok! So he left with a pink hat on and she had his blue surgeon type hat on and off to surgery they went. He said "well that backfired" lol.
Supported Employment: The End of an Era
3 weeks ago