Hello to all....
I will not be posting for about 10 days, the kiddos and I leave first thing in the morning, heading to visit family in Georgia! My dad and Debbie bought us our tickets, and we are excited to go! Unfortunately poor Chris being the new guy can't take any leave so he will be staying home working : )
I will be able to check my blog and email when visiting my brother or grandparents, SO if you live in the Atlanta area and want to get together shoot me an email at fbkspeach@yahoo.com
This One Goes Out to the Caregivers
4 weeks ago
You just made me wish I lived in the Atlanta area!!
Have fun! Good luck on the plane with two kids all by yourself! How long of a flight is that?
PS...You asked how old Payton is ... she will be 3 in a week. :) She was in the fast walk stage for a long time. LOL. How old is Ella?
PS...I have been meaning to ask you why two blog backgrounds appear when I open your blog? LOL. Is that a glitch?
I'm so jealous. Last time I checked the weather report we had acumulated 51 inches of SNOW the month of December. Ah what do I find when I open the blinds this morning but about 4-6 additional inches and it is snowing like crazy and has no intentions of stopping. But hey who's counting and the silver lining to that is that when it stops snowing we are supposed to get 30mph winds. Stay in Atlanta. Maybe'll beable to see over the snow burms by the time your return and we can play. Miss you!
PS - Funny that the word verification is broke.. . Hee hee hee
Hope you have a great time! HAPPY HEALTHY NEW YEAR!
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