Back in November my mom was at a craft fair and came across a lady who had a booth setup and was taking pictures of girls dressed up in a Fairy outfit. So, of course I went the next day! The pictures turned out cute, but in some of them you could really tell that Ella had been crying (red face), and in others she had squinted up her eyes. So, I called the lady and asked if she was doing this set up on another day, luckily for me she was!! Now before I post these pictures I want to tell you what happened after.... A couple of weeks after I had received the proofs in the mail I still had not ordered pictures so I emailed Mia Coffey (the photographer) and told her that I had not forgotten about the pictures, that I was indeed going to order some, I had just been busy and of course I attached the link to my blog on the end of it : ) Well, a couple of days after that Mia called me. She said she wanted to ask me something and that she didn't want to offend me ( which always puts me on guard.) Anyhow she said that a lot of photographers are specializing in something these days and was wondering if I thought the parents of other kids with Down syndrome in the area would like to have their children's pictures taken for free. Um, YEAH!!! So, this spring she is going to be doing just that! How cool is that??? Then, a couple of days after that she called me and said that she had been really looking through my blog and just couldn't imagine all of the joys and trials that I had experienced. She said a lot of really sweet things, and then said she was mailing me a CD with all of the pictures she took of Ella with a copyright release attached to it so that I can print out the pictures myself. The pictures are so incredibly beautiful!! I wanted to post them on the blog the day I got the CD but I printed some out, framed them, and gave them as gifts to family members for Christmas. So, here they are....
Photos taken by: Mia Coffey, Divine Images Northwest