Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Woo Hoo

To make a long story short, the first house that we put an offer on is not ours, the builder would not go down $3000 to meet our max. Turns out to be a GREAT thing, because we went out found an even better house, bigger yard, finished extra family room etc for CHEAPER, and our offer was excepted within 2 hours of submitting it. So, we are home owners!!!! (Well technically in 30 days when we close.)

Here are a few pics of the kiddos that I took last week.

Before these next pics I just want to take a moment to say that Hunter is the coolest kid in the world. He is definetly very much a BOY!! Farting and pooping are normal conversation for him, he enjoys wrestling, loves playing with cars etc etc. BUT, he is also very very sweet to his little sister! Hunter likes playing babies with Ella, cooks with her in her kitchen, plays with her dolls in her dollhouse, reads her books, all in all he really is just so loving!! The other night I was here on the computer and listening to the two of them play together, when I turned around this is what they were doing.... Hunter said that him and Ella are babysitting these babies for one year : )


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Owning a home is great...I love the picture of the kids (especially Hunter) with teh babies. Precious!

Kristen said...

I am completely ecstatic for you that your offer was accepted and on an even better house than the other one!!!

I've heard that boys that grow up with a sister(s) and play with dolls turn out to make the best husbands. That will be Hunter for sure!!

Bethany said...

Congrats on the house! How exciting! And Hunter sure is a great big brother! I'm not sure Mason would EVER play with a doll! LOL. But he and Hunter would get along great as they wrestled and talked about farting! Ugh! LOL

Anonymous said...

YEAH!!!!!! How cool is that!!! We are so excited about your new house!!! Of course we want to know all the details. Where is it, what color is it, how many bedrooms etc.... And you close in 30 days, that is fast! How great! Love the pics of the kiddos of course! What a great big brother. I agree boys with sisters are more sensitive men. I will try and call to talk about the house, but dad is still in ICU so I might be going up there tonight but you can try us too. Congrats!! We cant wait to come visit! Love, Aunt Tami and family

Mommy and Peepers said...

Woohooot, congrats!!! Where are you moving? hugs, carolee

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the new house. Does this mean another garage sale? Ha. gramma