Okay, I know I've used that title before but it totally fits this post!! Tonight Chris was listening to Elton John (get it, Tiny Dancer is an Elton John song....) and Ella went nuts!!! I don't know why it never dawns on me to pick up the camera to record Ella until after she has danced like a wild woman to 3 full songs and is a bit less enthusiastic and a bit more tired, but still she is quite entertaining!!!
I've been thinking about putting Ella in a dance class lately. My only issue is that I am afraid she won't behave as well as the other kids. What? Ella not behave?? NO!!! Yeah, I have been having a hard time with little miss thing here lately. She is fiercely independent and wants no input from stupid ol' mom!!! So she has taken to YELLING at me, I hear "NOOOO" several hundred times a day. Thankfully she is really cute, right??? Anyhow here she is rocking out to Elton John.......
Supported Employment: The End of an Era
3 weeks ago