1. Ella's favorite game is Duck Duck Goose!
2. She HATES cheese!
3. She loves to draw. Her current fav is rainbows.
4. She does not like coloring books! Only plain paper.
5. Ella loves the Pinkalicious books and Max and Ruby and Biscuit and Barbie and well pretty much any book but her current favorites are No David and David Goes to School, perhaps she sympathizes with him!
6. Her favorite show is Max and Ruby with Cailou coming in a close second
7. Ella has some really great friends.
8. She loves to be funny. She tries telling knock knock jokes like this one
E: knock knock whose there?
M: um..whose there?
E: Poop!!! with hysterical laughter following
9. She attempts to sing nearly every song on the radio (even ones she doesn't know), typically a word or two behind and then when it's over she declares " I DID IT!"
10. If you tell her no she gets a pitiful face and says "you hurt my feelings."
11. She had declared pacifiers are for babies and now sucks her thumb pretty exclusively (much to my dismay.)
12. She hates her pillow and will throw it on the floor as soon as I walk out of the room.
13. Ella's favorite meal is chicken nuggets, fries and a chocolate milk and she asks for that nearly everyday.
14. Ella is doing really good at her princess ballet class (though it was a rough start) and has her first recital in December where they will be doing a marionette dance. It's super cute
15. She is also in Girl Scouts now...she is a Daisy.
16. Ella will not wear socks in our house. No matter how cold it is she takes them right off.
17. She has really great conversations with her babies, even when she is supposed to be sleeping and really takes care of them like a little mommy, it's so cute. The little ones are all named Baby Lexi and the big ones are Baby Alice!
18. Though she is quite girly, preferring to wear a tutu over anything else and carrying her purse around, two of her favorite things to play with are cars and legos especially if that is what Hunter is doing!
19. The child drinks non-stop at home. Downs cup after cup of juice (which is a very very tiny amount of juice and a whole lot of water.) This is a sign of Graves' Disease but she's been this way for a long time so who knows.
20. Ella loves to love BUT only if she initiates it!
21. I am the luckiest mom ever. Oh wait that's about me. Ella is the most amazing daughter a mom could ever have : )
Last night we went to our friends house and decorated Halloween cupcakes and made candy necklaces. It was fun!

She stole some of Juan's marshmellows....she thought she was quite funny!

Getting a little OT in, stringing candy onto her necklace.
