Sunday, May 11, 2008


Happy Mother's Day to all the mommies out there!!! I've had a good day, the boys cooked me breakfast this morning! Ella's school made cute flower pots for the moms with the kids handprints on them. They are so nice there and included Hunter in the project, so I have a pot with 2 of his prints and 2 of hers. And Hunter picked out an African Violet for me at Lowe's and a pretty pot that says Mom on it. Here is a picture of my Mother's Day goods......

Here is 2 pics of Ella today. Poor thing has pink eye. Luckily the pediatrician called in a prescription for eye drops for us yesterday and we didn't have to take her in!! So, by tonight she will have been on them for 24 hours and no longer contagious!

This is her "boo hoo" face. You say Ella boo hoo and this is what you get along with some snorting, very funny.


Michelle said...

Oh my gosh, that boo hoo face is HYSTERICAL! Totally adorable Ella, as usual!

Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day!

Jennifer said...

Poor Ella-boo. Her eye looks so sad. Happy Mother's Day to an absolutely amazing mother (who hasn't called me in FOREVER!) :) Love you much!!!

Shannon said...

You know you've got a cutie on your hands when even pink-eye doesn't diminish her adorable-ness! :) Happy Mothers Day, you and miss you!

Melissa @ Banana Migraine said...

Her Boo hoo face is to funny! Happy Mother's Day (a little late). Those are some pretty flower pots.

Anonymous said...

We call it Riley's squishy face. Love it! It was great to see you Friday. We need to do that more often!

Mommy to those Special Ks said...

Awww poor little punkin! I hope her eye feels better soon! Hppy Mother's day!

Amy Flege said...

aww hope her eye is better. pink eye is no fun!! love your mothers day flowers!!

Anonymous said...

Such a pathetic little eye-but cute little missy! So dramatic with the boo-hoo face-Ha! The flowers are so pretty and the "hand"made pots are precious! Breakfast in bed sounds cool too, I didnt know Chef Chris had a specialty! HA! Love, Aunt Tami and family

Pam said...

Oh my goodness, that is the Boo face is JUST LIKE Rhett's boo face!!

They should totally get together!!

Sorry about the pink eye, but dang she is cute!! When Rhett had pink eye he looked like Quazimoto from the Hunch Back of Notre Dame. LOL!!

Love the pots too, way cute!!


Pam and Rhett

Kristen said...

Ha ha. I like that boo hoo thing. It made me laugh. I wish I could see it for myself in person.

I love those pots the kids did for you! What a fun craft that you can always treasure! Much more than macaroni necklaces. :o)