We attended an Appreciation Dinner for Ella's school, Spokane Guild School, last Wednesday night. It was pretty nice, they hold it to honor volunteers and people who donate money to the school etc. During the event they had a slide show of some of the kids at the school, it was really sweet. The best part was the opening prayer. They had a young man (I think they said he is 21) with Down syndrome come up and say the prayer. He thanked God for his girlfriend (who also has Ds) which of course made me cry! He spoke so well, it was really uplifting for me to hear him. I wanted to share this quote, I don't know the name of the man that said it, but he was giving a little speech after receiving an award, he said....
"Children who struggle here on Earth will be our leaders in Heaven and should be treated as such."
Of course I was crying. Well, I will leave you with a few pictures of my beautiful baby girl. She got a new nightgown this weekend. I have wanted her to wear one since the day she turned one. I don't know why it was such a big deal to me, but I would see my friends little girl who is the same age in a nightgown and I would be sad. Ella couldn't wear one because it got in the way of her crawling, so it was a reminder to me of her delays. I know it's kind of a stupid thing to set you off, but I couldn't help it. Anyhow, since my big girl started walking I had to get her a nightgown at Walmart and she wore it for the first time tonight!

Holding the "Ellie Belly"

She can stop walking, bend over, pick something up, stand back up and keep on
walking. So big.

Terrible Two's strike early!!
Just kidding, but she does have
a temper!!!