Wednesday, July 18, 2007

To cut or not to cut......

That is the question!!! Ella's hair is driving me so crazy. It hangs in her eyes at all times unless I put it in a ponytail or pigtails, which I have to say is quite cute. However, I wonder if the little ponytails ever hurt her head. I mean from the second she wakes up until she goes to sleep at night her hair is up or she can't see. She doesn't cry when I put her hair up. But, that doesn't necessarily mean anything with Ella. Yesterday we went shopping in all of the little touristy shops downtown and I bought Ella a Kuspuk, a beautiful little dress like the Alaskan Natives wear. Anyhow the sweet little old lady that owns the shop was trying the kuspuk on Ella, as a side note she said "Oh she is a good size. How old? 10 months!!! Oh, she is so big. Wow, she's big." and on and on, it was pretty funny. When she took the Kuspuk off of Ella there was a huge scratch on Ella's arm, I'm talking like six inches, dark red bleeding, obviously painful scratch, and Ella never poked out that bottom lip, cried, or even blinked an eye. So, the point of that story is that Ella doesn't necessarily cry if she is in pain, if you hurt her feelings or make a loud noise she will cry, but not always when she is hurt. So, do I cut her hair to avoid constant ponys?? I'm so scared to cut it though. But she does at least need a trim cause she has some scraggly hairs that are longer than the rest and if it was trimmed up at least it would look thicker. What do I do?????????????????


Messiah Baptist Wichita Falls said...

Well, Personally. :) I would leave it long. If it bothered her, she might not cry, but she would be pulling at it, I would think. However, it's hair, so it will grow back. If you cut it to a cute short length, and hate it, it'll only be a couple weeks before it's back out, and maybe more in control. So, I guess I have no answers ha ha!

Jennifer said...

HA HA, I checked the church's e-mail yesterday (I'm supposed to; I wasn't being nosy :) ) and I guess I was still signed it, so that last post was me. Sorry.

Michelle said...

I noticed that Kayla didn't cry a lot as a baby either; things that would happen to her and other babies would usually cry at she didn't. Or if she did cry it never lasted more than a min. I took Kayla to get her first hair cut right before she turned a year old. Her hair grows forward and it was in her eyes and I got tired of always having to pull it back too. You could just do a little trim.

Laurie said...

You could give her some cute little bangs :)

Chase won't cry unless he's desperately hungry or stuck on his belly for a REALLY long time. Maybe pain tolerance is on the 21st chromosome...

Amy Flege said...

i think you should keep it long.. but iam a pony tail girl my self.... i love doing maysons hair and she doesnt mind either!! maybe give her some bangs???

Jan Steck Huffman said...

she's adorable no matter if you cut or not!