Poor Ella on the other hand.... we spent 5 hours at the ER on Saturday night. She has another sinus infection. I HATE taking her to the ER but she kept vomitting, had a fever that wasn't responding to ibuprophen, and couldn't drink her bottle cause she couldn't breath. So I called the ever so helpful nurses line for after hours and of course they said take her to the ER, all I wanted was to know what meds I could give her to make her breath. UGH. What really annoys me is that I KNOW when she has a sinus infection, I want to just be able to call and get a prescription! Anyhow, she is feeling a little better, still sounds horrible but is able to eat now! That's it for today. Hunter starts soccer on Wednesday so I'm sure I'll have pics from that!!!
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, Ella is starting to do an army crawl!!! She moves forward, not very far but I think in about a week she will be full steam ahead!!!