Last night we were hanging out in my mom's room. My mom said something about how Ella was going to be her ballerina girl. ( She wanted me to be, but I was not girly and am still not!!) Anyhow my mom stood up and put her arms above her head, like a ballerina, and started twirling while singing the song ballerina girl. Ella immediately stood up and started copying her, she even put her short little arms up (they barely go above her head.) It was SO cute!! So of course today, I downloaded the song on ITunes, put Ella in her cute little tutu that Debbie and my dad got her and got out the camera. Of course she wasn't cooperating 100% but it's cute anyhow. I'm not really sure how to edit videos yet so you will have to suffer through the moments in between Ella's dancing, but it's all cute. Oh and in case you are wondering that would be a temporary tattoo on Ella's arm, I was putting some on Hunter and Ella kept rubbing her arm and pointing at his so she got one. Here you go.....
This One Goes Out to the Caregivers
2 weeks ago
I love it when you update your blog. You kiddos are so stinkin cute I can't stand it. It just amazes me how much Ella is growing and changing every day. She might just be the cutest ballerina ever!
Yay!! Videos!! I could barely wait patiently as the videos loaded. What a perfect ballerina!! I loved it when Hunter joined in to show Ella how to do it!! I think she is the only person in the world that can combine marching steps with ballerina moves and it turns out soooo beautiful! :o)
You sound so beautiful Kacey!
That is so cute!! She is just the sweetest little ballerina.
Shay was watching and said "Ella is dancing like a ballet kitty" (Shay was a kitty in her recital)! She was dancing with her while I was watching! We will have to get our little ballerinas together to put on a show for us. I loved the part where she went over to Daddy and started dancing with him, it brought tears to my eyes! Too sweet! I just LOVE the videos I could watch them over and over! We miss you and love you all bunches! Kisses to the kiddos, Love--Aunt Tami and family
Wow! She's doing so well! I loved watching Ella dance - but I still get a kick out of watching her walk in general! She's a beautiful ballerina!
Ok, that was too friggin cute! Did you guys go to Boston for the convention?
What a pretty ballerina! Hunter is such a wonderful big brother, encouraging Ella to dance/spin. I love the tattoo.
How cute and sweet! Gabi watched both of them all the way through with me. Gabi and Preston were both clapping for Ella when she started clapping in the 1st one.
I love all your videos! Just when I think your kids can't get any cuter, you blow me away again. :)
I'm also supposed to leave you a comment to let you know I tagged you. So, tag!
AWW this is so cute!!! Thanks for the smiles :)
She is such a doll! I can't wait until Leah starts walking. It looks so fun!
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