AHHHHH!! In less than two weeks my baby girl will be 2!! How is that possible??
Ella has been changing so much lately, growing up so fast. Her signs now include... more, dog, cat, eat, drink, hat, baby, up, please, shoes, ball, train, book, music, cracker, fish, blocks, all done, car, and that's all I can think of for now : ) She has started combining signs, she on a very regular basis uses more and please and has used more, cracker, please. She is just doing so good!! Ella also enjoys shaking her said no, and saying "no". She says yeah a lot too. She is constantly imitating words. Her receptive language is great!! She is following directions, and we are now working on two step directions.
Ella is also quite the copy cat these days! While at the park last weekend Hunter said "watch this" and belly flopped onto the grass and said "OH" like he was hurt. Well, little Miss Ella dropped down to her knees, flopped onto her belly and said "OH." It was so funny. So, of course she did it over and over, cause she will do anything for a laugh! Also, we have had the Olympics on this past week. I was watching gymnastics and Ella layed down on the floor, rolled around, then stood up and raised her hands up in the air with a big ol smile on her face. When swimming was on she layed down on her stomach and kicked her feet. She is one smart cookie!
As far as her physical skills go she is doing really well there too! She is a walking pro now, even in her Sure Steps (which she had a really hard time using to begin with.) She is doing really well with stairs, trying really hard to run (which happens to look just like walking but she swings her arms really hard and laughs) and dancing up a storm!!!
We are working on Ella being able to feed herself with a spoon and fork. One thing I have noticed is there are not a lot of good foods to practice poking a fork into!!! Ella really enjoys going in her room and pulling out clean clothes from her drawers and attempting to put them on. She has also become very capable of sticking up for herself, sometimes bordering on being a bully. It is quite hilarious to watch her fight with Hunter!!
I am way behind on pictures, have a ton I want to post, so for now enjoy these.

Eating yogurt.

Hanging out with Bubba in his bed.
Nevermind the crazy hair.

Being squashed.

Revenge!! Stealing bubba's spot.

Notice the shorts? These would be some that she put on herself, over her one piece outfit.