I cannot express how much we love Mrs. Deena!!! I was thinking back to the first time I met her, Ella was 2 weeks old and honestly I did not want any part of this therapy stuff. This was not the life I intended to have. Boy have things changed. Deena was there for our whole journey from devastation to acceptance to joy. Not only was Deena wonderful with Ella but she was also great with Hunter. She included him in the sessions and that was so very important for Hunter. I consider her to be a good friend of mine, she has heard all my worries and fears and doubts, and yet she keeps coming back : ) We will miss her so much!!! We do get to see her again tomorrow though!!! Ella got shoe inserts/orthodic things called Jumpstarts yesterday for her severe pronation. They fit great and her ankle looks beautiful when she stands in it. There is only one problem. Houdini can somehow get out of 4 straps (done quite tightly) shoes laced up quite tightly and her socks. She is so flexible she just completely flexes her foot so that it is straight with her legs and pulls it out, leaving the orthodic in the shoe. Anyhow, Deena and Barbara (her OT) are coming tomorrow to try and find a solution!
After Deena left Hunter was helping Daddy load up the truck. The kid was in paradise!! I think this would be his dream job second only to being a garbage truck. That's right not the driver of a garbage truck but the actual truck himself, just ask him he'll tell ya!!!
Up the ramp he goes!!!
Almost there.......
He made it!
This pic makes me smile. I asked Hunter "are you excited about moving to Spokane???" and he said "M O V I N G!!!!" It kind of reminds me of the movie Titanic "I'm on top of the world!!!"
Bode and Son Moving Crew
(showing their muscles!)
After that excitement my bestest friend Jen stopped by with her kiddos. Hunter was so very happy to see his girlfriend Lemalee (Emily.) They ran around like little crazy people : ) And of course Ella was happy to see Savannah and finally got to show her her new toys from Christmas. (one or the other of them have been sick since!)
After they left my friend stopped by with her little girl Kenna to say goodbye. Kenna is 4ish months older than Ella, and let me tell you she is quite the little comedian!!! She loves to show off, and makes sure everyone is clapping for her. And get this, ready...... she is 20/21 months and she is going potty in the actual potty. That's right, she makes the sign for potty, mom takes her in there and she goes. I about fell over when mom told me this, but I witnessed it with my own eyes!!! Pretty amazing!
Here is the best we could get of the two of them actually looking at the camera.
This is Kenna trying to love on Ella, who is being a beast and not very nice!

And here they are playing near but not with each other. Ahhhh, so age appropriate.
It was so nice to see them!!! Sad to be leaving when they are about to be at the age where they would play together.
Oh yeah, Kenna's mom told me that she had seen a picture of my kids on the Times Square Video for the Buddy Walk. Hmmm, had no idea. I guess I most have submitted the photo, but I never heard anything back. So, of course I had to check it out, it's a long video - 14 min I think - and sure enough at just over 1 minute into it there are my babies!!! Pretty cool!! Here's the link http://www.ndss.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=2029&Itemid=233
Well I guess that just about sums it up for now. Chris said he is packing up the computer in the morning so this is it till we unpack in Washington. They have had some pretty good snow storms up there so I am really hoping that the drive goes well!!! My next post will be from Spokane : )