Thursday, October 16, 2008

Very good article....

Get It Down; 31 for 21

My sister in law, Tami (thank you!), emailed me this article, take a minute are read it....

Very cool!! It always warms my heart and brings a tear to my eye to read things like this. This article represents to me my dreams for Ella's future. Not that she be homecoming queen (though as girly as she seems to be these days I'm sure that would thrill her!!!) but to be accepted by her peers.

I liked these lines from the article specifically..

"I believe that Kristin is an inspiration to everyone," Utley said. "She accepts you for what you are, no matter your race, no matter what clique you belong to."

Perhaps that little extra chromosome is what allows one to be non-judgemental, to see people for who they really are. It is truly the rest of us, "typical" people, that are disabled.

"If you're going to doubt something, doubt your limits." - Don Ward


Jennifer said...

I saw this on 20/20 the other night. I'm glad someone found it on here and sent it to ya! Love you!

Kristen said...

Wow. I have chills that was so beautiful!! It definitely does speak of what a wonderful student body that is to recognize such a kindred spirit, but it also speaks highly of Kristin's parents and herself. They must have taught her well to not hide behind her disability.

Right out of high school I had a job working with physically and mentally handicap young adults. They were placed in a job and I watched over them and evaluated their situation until they were comfortable enough to do it on their own, or in some cases I had to make the decision that the job was not a right fit for them. I learned quickly that the parents have a HUGE influence on how well these young adults handled social public environments.

I think Ella is extremely blessed to have the parents she does. She'll do well in life.

Kristen said...

One of my blog readers sent me this link. I knew you would appreciate it.

Stephanie said...

wow. gotta love that.

Anonymous said...

I just love this story! It is so appropriate(not that the student body necessarily knew this) that this happened during DS awareness month! I could so see little miss walking around and sleeping in a tiara--right now! She definitely has a regal attitude-right? We sometimes call Shay, when she has her attitude on, "her madjesty" I think Ella can accept that title too! Ha! We love ya's--Aunt Tami and family