One of our favorite things to do has always been to swim. Both of my children have been water babies since they were tiny little things. This year Ella did have some issues with the water. In the past she has been my fearless (as in NO safety awareness, scare the crap out of me) child. She would willingly put her entire head under water, and would purposely try to drown herself only for me to pull her up gasping for air and then she'd do it all over again. This year not so much. I really don't know what changed. Ella started showing more sensory type issues around last spring, it was all very strange behavior for her. She would spend the first hour and a half or so at the pool fearful, clinging onto an adult, and it was so not like her. I did wish for some safety awareness but not to that extreme!! By the end of the open swim session she would start jumping off the wall into some one's arms. By the end of the swimming season she started letting go and swimming with her puddle jumper (floaties) on. We had fun none the less though !!!
These first couple of pics are at a friends house! Here is Ella and Riley being goofballs!
Hunter at the top of the slide
We spent a lot of time at the public pools. At $1 a person and kids free on the weekends it is the perfect cheap entertainment, especially when your house doesn't have A/C!
Xochitl and Ella preschool buddies!
My poor son.....Hunter has the worst skin. He has always been my rashy/ eczema boy but this summer was especially bad with burning. This kid LIVES to be outside, and I can't not let him play outside. I tried so many sunscreens I lost count. I put 100SPF on both kids roughly every hour or so, Ella stays so white she is almost translucent and Hunter burns to a crisp particularly under his eyes. I also make him wear hats, not sure what else to do with him. I'm afraid he is going to have hard leathery skin by the time he is 10!
We decided not to do swimming lessons with either of the kids this summer because well, they are time consuming. They are 4 days a week and at times that didn't really work for us. I think it is hilarious that the first summer in 3 or 4 years that Hunter hasn't had lessons he learns how to swim : ) Hunter had a BLAST swimming this year, especially jumping off of the diving board at the public pool!!
I miss summer : (
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