Poor Ella. She is very scared of Halloween this year. I'm not sure what happened. She has not been afraid in years past....in fact there isn't a whole lot that she is afraid of period. She hates all things Halloween this year.
She does not like Jack o Lanterns.
She does not like cartoons about Halloween
She does not like our neighbors house that has a few decorations out (they only have some pumpkins over their lights and a little ghost) every time we pass she covers her eyes and says it's a haunted house. LOL
She HATES her brother's costume.
She hates to talk about costumes at all.
When I put her to bed at night she is now afraid of the dark and I have to leave the hall lights on.
She sometimes cries in bed and says there are monsters in her closet.
I don't know if Ella is just more aware of things, like fear, this year or what. We have had a lot of conversations about pretend this year. Like monsters are pretend etc. I'm not quite sure that she is grasping that concept or not. She does try to comfort herself though..she will say "Mommy theres scary monster in my closet. It's pretend right?" Poor baby.
I am really really really hoping that she has fun tomorrow at her school party. I hope that there aren't any scary costumes (it is a Kindergarten class after all.) I also hope that she enjoys trick or treating tomorrow night....maybe just maybe the candy will be enough to make her want to go : )
I have to admit I'm a little scared to walk around with Hunter this year too..he is creepy!
Supported Employment: The End of an Era
4 weeks ago
I recently tried to reach you via email, but didn't hear back. Knowing how it is with so many emails coming into everyone's Inbox nowadays, I thought that maybe posting a comment would be a quicker and much better way to connect.
I am working with a very special lady, Dr. Julia Kinder, who has an 8 year old daughter with Down syndrome. We're trying to promote A PETITION REGARDING DOWN SYNDROME and I thought you would be a great resource to help spread the word.
PETITION - https://www.change.org/petitions/medical-school-faculty-require-complete-education-on-down-syndrome-for-3rd-year-medical-students
We're also having all sorts of activities on her website Celebrating Down syndrome - http://www.juliakinder.com/DownSyndromeCelebration/
We also published a national Press Release about this a few weeks ago, but we need the active Down syndrome community to get involved - http://www.prweb.com/releases/Dr-Julia-Kinder/Down-Syndrome-Celebration/prweb10028318.htm
Please let me know if you would help by posting some of this to your interested audience: colin@juliakinder.com
Your time and efforts are so important as we try to change the stereotypes surrounding Down syndrome - dispelling the myths - and as we try to CHANGE THE WAY IN WHICH THE MEDICAL COMMUNITY PROVIDES RESOURCES TO NEW PARENTS. We can only achieve these goals with your help!
Thank you so much!
Oh, that's a bummer. Makenna is going through the monsters at night, night light phase right now. I really hope we don't run into anyone too scary or I'm sure it will freak her out. Hugs, hope everyone has fun.
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