Happy Halloween!!!! We had a GREAT day! The kids were both so much fun this year! Their school didn't do parties but did fun activities throughout the day, and they wore their costumes to school.
Ella was "Oreo" (Ariel!)
Hunter was a very handsome military man. "Delta Force" to be exact.
Princess wave and a salute!
Yikes...Hunter what is that thing next to you????
Oh, it's your father.
When Hunter came in and took off his camo shirt I was shocked at just how much it reminded me of Chris. This is what Chris looked like for much of our marriage, when he would come home from work and take off his camo shirt, black t shirt and camo pants. Crazy.
The kids telling eachother about their day. So sweet.
Man I love these two.
Guitar practice! He has memorized Ode to Joy and can play it without the sheet music in front of him!
Nana came over and brought presents!!!!
These little flashlights were a huge hit with both!
We had Jack O Lantern pizzas and then got ready to go trick or treating.
Wait!!! Where did Hunter go? I can't see him!!!!
Ella was NOT a fan of Chris' suit.
moving closer
I will stand beside Bubba!!!
She finally warmed up to Daddy! I have to say that Ella did 500% better trick or treating than she ever has. She did not try to go into anyone's house and she never once complained that she was tired! Every 30 seconds or so she would say " I love trick or treating!"
Supported Employment: The End of an Era
3 weeks ago